Members Only Using Pivot Tables
January 15, 2021
Will Faulkner will provide an overview on how to use pivot tables for data analysis in Excel. Participants will gain an understanding of the necessary steps and strategies for using pivot tables to unlock your data. Meeting attendees will also be invited to register for a complete Introductory Course on Pivot Tables to learn more about this topic.

Members Only Ask An Evaluator
April 16, 2021
The "Ask An Evaluator" series allows members to get input from their peers about projects they are working on. This month we will be tackling issues that Ripple Effect and Louisiana Appleseed are wresting with.

Members Only Ask An Evaluator
August 20, 2021
Members have told us they would like to have a way to get input from other members about projects they are working on, tricky issues they've been thinking through, or ideas they are trying to develop. In response, we've created the "Ask An Evaluator" series.

Members Only Disasters and Evaluation
December 17, 2021
The speakers will share their ongoing experiences and lessons learned conducting evaluations and research studies in the aftermath of disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic and hurricanes. They will focus on gathering timely and actionable findings to guide disaster response decision-making, and prioritizing empathy and equity in the evaluation process.

Resources from the Data Center
March 19, 2021
Jenna Losh and Don Asay will cover the history of The Data Center's work in New Orleans and demonstrate how to work with Census data. They will demo how to use publicly available Census data to get relevant information at the local level and discuss some important considerations when working with this data.

Members Only Nonprofit Racial Diversity and Resilience
June 18, 2021
Racial diversity in nonprofit leadership presents benefits crucial for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, nonprofits remain predominately white. UNO professor Steve Mumford will present literature and data from a representative survey of New Orleans nonprofits conducted in winter 2021 about the racial composition of nonprofit boards.

Members Only Theories of Change
November 19, 2021
When implementing social programming, a theory-building exercise helps to unify thinking, surface assumptions, coordinate vocabulary, and right-size expectations. During our meeting time Will Faulkner will cover where ToCs come from, discuss how to decide when they might be useful, and critique some examples.

Members Only Where Data Meets Design
February 19, 2021
Having trouble sharing data with your stakeholders without having their eyes gloss over? In this presentation Chris Lysy is going to share how introducing UX design methods into your evaluation reporting process can greatly increase the usefulness of your evaluation work.

Members Only Become a Dashboard Ninja
May 21, 2021
Andrew Holbein, GCEval's Board Chair and Director of Administration and Data at VIA LINK, will walk you through all the steps of building a sophisticated data dashboard using Microsoft's Power BI software.
Members Only Strategic Planning